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Autor: QVORTRUP, Jens
Título: Family, youth, childhood : an inventory of important research institutes and researchers in the field of family, youth and childhood in the EEC member states-1992 / Jens Qvortrup
Publicação: Copenhagen : Ministry of Social Affairs, 1992
Descrição física: 137 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN: ISBN 87-503-9915-2
Assuntos: Família / Juventude / Crianças / Política social / Centros de investigação
Cota: FAM645 MTS MESICT 4260
Tipo de documento: Texto impresso
País de publicação: Dinamarca

Family, youth, childhood : an inventory of important research institutes and researchers in the field of family, youth and childhood in the EEC member states-1992
